Burn New Bern @ Kingdom Impact - 2014

Burn New Bern @ Kingdom Impact Ministries

I was a bit stressed this month because I was trying to organize logistics leading up to our Nov 28/29 Burn at Kingdom Impact Ministries while being sick and one by one my leaders understandably starting bailing on me due to sickness or other spiritual warfare type issues.  By the day of the Burn, I had like 8 worship leaders, sound techs and shift leaders cancel and I was determined that we would press-in even harder with the remnant of servants still standing.  Sara and I ended up taking 5 - 1hr shifts and Brittany Thompson also took 5 - 1hr shifts of our 12 hour Burn along with some of the shift leader and sound tech responsibilities.  That day I felt the healthiest I had felt in weeks as I had been quite sick and missed a week worth of work.  Praise the Lord because I needed all the energy I could get!  The more we pressed in, we had even more corporate breakthrough and atmosphere shifting than previous Burns.  We had no set lists, very few repeated songs and simply fresh manna from heaven all night long!  We had over 100 different peeps roll-in throughout the night, nearly 40 peeps still there at 2am and still had over a dozen peeps there when we finished at 7am.  At least 16 ministries were represented!!!  Stuff is stirring and the atmosphere is shifting here in New Bern and it's a unified effort.

We are so thankful for the volunteers, host venues and attendees that are engaging in this movement with us.  The heart of the Burn is to passionately pursue the presence of God corporately and it's such a joy when this beautiful tapestry of unity unfolds to shift the atmosphere in our community.  We encourage participation to serve but also to carve out an extended amount of time to receive.  As we pour out, we need to be filled up on a regular basis.  We are looking for worship leaders, artists, intercessors, sound techs, venues, attendees and lovers of Jesus.  If you feel led to participate, see www.thorsbyjams.com/burn for more details and email Michael & Sara Thorsby (thorsby@theburn247.com) if you would like serve with us.

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