Burn New Bern @ East Coast Church - 2014

The Burn was quite awesome!  East Coast Church was a delight to work with as a host venue and the presence of God was no stranger there!  We were passionately pursuing the presence of God for 12 continuous hours and the Holy Spirit certainly showed up!  Highlights:

-10 different churches represented just in the leaders alone (at least 14 churches noted)
-Various expressions of worship throughout the night (we love diversity)
-Many people stayed for extended hours (6-10hrs).  A few stayed all 12 hours!!!
-Dancing broke out
-Teachers were called up to be prayed over and the Holy Spirit stirred those anointings
-God wrecked a bunch of people as they began to pray & prophecy over each other and many of them were laid out on the floor!
-We had two artists painting during the night watch.  A few paintings sold before we even left!
-Relationships were built and unity was accomplished
-The wells of revival are being dug deeper...
-Many fires were ignited/stirred in the hearts of the people and those fires followed them as the went back into their communities...

Can't wait until next month!  Don't miss it!

On the schedule:
Sep 26/27 - 7pm-7am @ Breath Of God International Outreach
Oct 24/25 - 7pm-7am @ The Church @ New Bern
Nov 28/29 - 7pm-7am @ TBD (New Bern)
Dec 26/27 - No Burn