Burn 24-7 New Bern - August 2018 Newsletter

Hello Fiery Remnant!

What a privilege we possess to have the freedom to worship whenever we want! As I think about the 24 elders and 4 living creatures surrounding the throne as described in Revelation, I can only imagine what they are seeing to make them cry out Holy, Holy, Holy. When we enter the throneroom of God (individually & corporately), and position ourselves in a posture of praise, prepare yourself for heavenly encounters that are readily available through intentional intimacy with God.

Aug 25th (9am-9pm) - Burn 24-7 New Bern will be partnering with Restoration Church to host 12 hours of continuous worship and prayer. Our Burn 24-7 US National Director (Matthew Lilley) will also be joining us to lead at 6:30pm. He will briefly be sharing about Tent America (ATD) and leading us into worship as the Lord leads him. See our Facebook event for details. Please help spread the word to fan the flames...

If you would like to serve with Burn 24-7 New Bern as a worship leader, guest minister, intercessor, shift leader, prayer team, artist, sound tech...etc., see www.burnnewbern.com/calendar for availability and email thorsby@theburn247.com to request time slots or for more info.

Sep 27th-29th - ATD Tent America (Raleigh, NC) - Please mark your calendars and make every effort to engage with this. In 2017 we gathered 50+ tents representing every state on the National Mall in DC, with thousands of people lifting up an incense of praise throughout the extended weekend. In 2018, we're raising a tent in the capital of every state (and some campuses) for three days of continuous worship, prayer and outreach. We strongly encourage our community/region to engage! If you would like to volunteer (leading worship, sound tech, prayer team, outreach...etc.), sign up at www.awakenthedawn.org/volunteer.

Fiery Remnant Ministries - Burn 24-7 New Bern & Craven24Seven have officially been adopted under the stewardship of Fiery Remnant. These shifts allow us to accept tax-deductible donations for our mission while "preparing the fields for rain" as we build structure for anticipated future growth. We welcome your prayers for clarity, financial provision and all the behind-the-scenes logistics taking place to establish this ministry with excellence as we passionately pursue HIS presence!

A plethora of time, talents and treasures are invested to organize and host Burn gatherings. If you feel led to sow into this ministry, donations are welcome!
Would you please consider a recurring financial partnership with Fiery Remnant?

If you're spending extended time in prayer and/or worship individually or corporately for at least one hour, we encourage you to log that time by signing up on Craven24Seven so we can get a visual of the coverage in our area. Sign up HERE! We're more powerful together!!! Engage with us on our Craven24Seven facebook page to help spread the word!

Want to serve your commUNITY? Start by praying for them...
168 people (or groups) committing to ONE hour per week...
That's all we need to cover 24/7/365 prayer coverage!
Will YOU sign up?...
Upcoming Events:
Sundays - (6pm-8pm) Fiery Remnant Community Groups (AKA - Home Church)
Aug 25th - (9am-9pm) Burn 24-7 New Bern (New Bern, NC)
Sep 22nd - No 4th Sat Burn - Put all resources towards ATD Tent America
Sep 27th-29th - ATD Tent America (Raleigh, NC)
Oct 27th - (9am-9pm) Burn 24-7 New Bern (New Bern, NC)
Nov 24th - (9am-9pm) Burn 24-7 New Bern (New Bern, NC)
Dec 22nd - (9am-9pm) Burn 24-7 New Bern (New Bern, NC)
*See full event schedules at each respective site since times/venues may change!
**As always, we encourage you to collaborate with other regional Burns/Ministries!

See current schedule and event details at Burn 24-7 New Bern and Facebook sites.
Share our facebook events with friends and help spread the FIRE!!!

Open up the wells of revival...

Michael Thorsby (Burn 24-7 New Bern Director)

Check out our blog for historical Burn recaps and newsletters to stay in the loop!

P.S. Many leaders who often volunteer at our Burns have released what God has downloaded through them in various forms of creative arts such as albums, books, paintings...etc. We encourage those artists to set up a merch table at our Burns to help support what God is doing through them and to help cover some of their expenses since we're all volunteers. The Thorsby Band (Michael & Sara Thorsby) released their new album "Weapons of Warfare" on 08-08-18 and look forward to sharing with friends and family. The new album is available at TJ's Store and will also be available at the next Burn along with merch from other local artists. We will also be selling the remainder of the Burn t-shirt stock with old logo design for only $10ea!

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